Tuesday, January 31, 2012

help is here

You’ve hit a wall with your novel. Perhaps the creativity you once enjoyed lies dormant. Maybe you feel as if you’ve written yourself into a corner and don’t know how to get out. Your story isn’t flowing like it should. You’re tired. You feel a bit at odds with the project you once couldn’t wait to sit down to. But you still have faith in the vision you developed so long ago. Maybe you know your novel isn’t ready for submission but you don’t exactly know why. A host of reasons explain why writers  experience a  need for support, each one unique to the writer.

Luminary was formed by novelist Lisa Samson for writers who find themselves right where you are. Instead of traditional critique, Lisa wants to help you succeed as a novelist. Luminary isn’t simply about revealing the weaknesses in your manuscript. It’s about highlighting your strengths as well and helping you write with those in mind.

After writing for two decades as well as enjoying work in visual arts, Lisa possesses an intuitive understanding of the creative process. She understands people express themselves best when they are true to who they are and aware of how their life journey affects their work. Lisa provides thoughtful support based on each individual’s style of creativity and vision. In other words, Lisa wants to help you develop your own unique voice, not become a version of someone else.

Lisa brings experience with thirty books, three Christy Awards, and starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly Magazine.  Christianity Today named her novel, Quaker Summer, one of the best novels for 2008. That same novel was Women of Faith’s novel of the year. A host of positive reviews and respect from her peers assures you that Lisa is able to produce quality fiction and can help you do the same.

Luminary offers support in two levels.

Story Support:  Lisa will read thirty pages of your manuscript as well as the detailed synopsis you will provide. She’ll help you get your book off to the start it deserves with insights into character development and overall story direction. You’ll receive a thoughtful write-up as well as a brainstorming phone call.  $350.00

Manuscript Development: With your submission of 100 pages and a detailed synopsis, Lisa will offer story support, more comprehensive help with character development and help with the more technical aspects of writing. You’ll receive your manuscript back with more detailed comments and suggestions as well as a phone call to answer any questions you might have. $700.00

To see if you and Lisa are a good fit, email her at luminarycreative@mail.com.

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